SECURED - Scaling Up secure Processing, Anonymization and generation of Health Data for EU cross border collaborative research and Innovation
HORIZON-HLTH-2022-IND-13 - Duration: 2023-2025 - Role: Partner - Project Value: 6.999.723,75 €
The overall goal of the SECURED project is to scale up multiparty computation, data anonymization and synthetic data generation, by increasing efficiency and improving security, with a focus on private and unbiased artificial intelligence and data analytics, health-related data and data hubs, and cross-border cooperation. The project will address the limitations that are currently preventing the widespread use of secure multiparty computation and effective anonymization, namely: the limited practical capabilities of current cryptographic schemes for secure multi-party computation protocols, and their performance; the lack of well understood and standardized data anonymization methods for health data; the absence of dynamic and on demand services for generating synthetic data; the complex and ad-hoc nature of current federation protocols for machine learning and AI-based data analytics; the lack of support for health technology providers to implement privacy enhancing technologies, in particular SMEs.
SECURED will tackle these challenges by focusing on scaling up privacy technologies via algorithmic improvements and implementation efficiency (HW and SW), as well as the generalization of primitives and definitions, with the aim of speeding up and facilitating privacy preserving data-driven tools and services for wellbeing, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up care. SECURED will also analyse the current ethical and legal challenges to data sharing, and is targeted at overcoming current limited adoption of advanced multi-party computation and data anonymization technologies by providing direct support to health technology SMEs through a funding call. To ensure relevance to real-world settings, SECURED will showcase the technologies developed in four health-related use cases provided by partner hospitals and health stakeholders, namely: real-time tumor classification; telemonitoring for children; synthetic data generation for education; access to genomic data.
IMOCO4.E - Intelligent Motion Control project under Industry 4.E
H2020-EU. ECSEL - Duration: 2021-2024 - Role: Partner - Project Value: 31.051.318,02 € -
The EU-funded IMOCO4.E project aims to push mechatronic systems to the limits, make them smarter and more configurable. This will be achieved by combining and exploiting novel sensory information, model-based approaches, AI, machine learning and industrial IoT philosophies. IMOCO4.E will provide edge-to-cloud intelligence for machines, robots and other human in the-loop automation systems. Bringing together 46 partners from 13 countries, the project will help shape the future of Industry 4.0 manufacturing in Europe. It will both perceive and control complex machines and robots. Specifically, it will deliver a reference architecture that will be verified in applications for semiconductors, packaging, industrial robotics and healthcare.
AIDOaRt - AI-augmented automation supporting modeling, coding, testing, monitoring, and continuous development in Cyber-Physical Systems (AIDOaRt)
H2020-EU. ECSEL - Duration: 2021-2024 - Role: Partner - Project Value: 22.968.348,75 € -
Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and AI-augmented automation support can be used to improve the continuous development of cyber-physical systems (CPSs). However, despite considerable interest in AI technology, few resources are being allocated for their improvement. Thus, the EU-funded AIDOaRt project aims to efficiently support requirements, monitoring, modelling, coding, and testing activities during the CPS development process. The project proposes the use of model-driven engineering (MDE) principles and techniques to provide a model-based framework offering proper methods and related tooling. The global AIDOaRT infrastructure will work with existing data sources, including traditional IT monitoring, log events, applications and more.
InnTerr - Innovazione, Inclusione & studi interdisciplinari per lo sviluppo del Territorio
Fondo FSC di Sviluppo e Coesione 2014/2020, Regione Sardegna - Duration: 2021-2024 - Role: Partner
The project intends to promote the integrated enhancement of the cultural and environmental heritage of the Nuoro area through the creation of an intelligent coordination system between local actors, resources, production sectors and cultural realities, using ICT and digitization processes as drivers of participatory and endogenous local development.
Techniques and tools for Neural Networks verification
Fondazione di Sardegna - Duration: 2021-2023 - Role: Coordinator - Project Value: 20.000,00 €
The objective of this project is the development of techniques and tools for verifying Neural Networks that are scalable enough to be used with appropriately sized networks in the context of safety-critical application contexts.
COMP4DRONES - Framework of key enabling technologies for safe and autonomous drones’ applications
H2020-ECSEL-2018-2-RIA – Duration: 2019-2023 – Role: Partner – Project Value: 29.391.259,83 € – https://
The use of drones today is expanding as it reduces costs and offers environmental benefits. However, existing technologies could make drones’ usage harmful for humans, vehicles and properties. SESAR JU, in charge of EU research in air traffic management, suggested that further investments and motivations are needed for the safe use of drones. The ECSEL JU-funded project COMP4DRONES will work on safe software and hardware drone solutions aligned with SESAR objectives. Coordinated by Indra, COMP4DRONES brings together 49 partners from 8 countries aiming to build an ecosystem that will support the systemization and safety of drone platforms, reliable communications, cost-efficient and safe design of drones. COMP4DRONES will deploy applications in five domains: transport, construction, surveillance and inspection, logistics and agriculture.
SMART_UzER – Sistema ModulARe e proaTtivo per l’ottimizzazione dell’UtiliZzo dell’Energia elettrica in Reti intelligenti
POR Sardegna FESR 2014/2020 – ASSE PRIORITARIO I “RICERCA SCIENTIFICA, SVILUPPO TECNOLOGICO E INNOVAZIONE”, Regione Sardegna – Duration: 2018-2020 – Role: Partner – Project Value: 182078,73 €
The SMART_UzER project aims to overcome the limits of acceptance and adoption of energy efficiency measures and user response to the market (Demand Response) through the development of a tool to support user decisions (Decision Support), an innovative Cloud-based ICT system that suggests excellent scenarios for the management, measurement and optimization of energy consumption through an interface with advanced tools, such as, for example, smart plugs.
PRO-COMFORT – sistema PRoattivo di Ottimizzazione dell’efficienza energetica e del COMFORT negli edifici
POR FESR Sardegna 2014/2020 Asse 1 Azione 1.1.3, Strategia 2, Programma di Intervento 3, Regione Autonoma della Sardegna – Duration: 2018-2021 – Role: Partner – Project Value: 453.284,00 €
PRO-COMFORT aims to apply Information and Communication Technology tools to buildings, in order to preserve their well-being inside, while reducing energy consumption at the same time. The basic idea of the PRO-COMFORT project consists in the creation of an intelligent monitoring and control system of the main parameters of the internal environment, considered responsible for people’s comfort, such as temperature, humidity, CO2 concentration and pollutants in the air.
FITOPTIVIS – From the cloud to the edge: smart IntegraTion and OPtimization Technologies for highly efficient Image and VIdeo processing Systems
H2020-ECSEL-2017 – Duration 2018-2021 – Role: Partner – Project Value: 25.215.007 € –
Images play a central role in human perception and understanding of our environment. In the same way, Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) need visual context and awareness to make autonomous and correct decisions, and eventually take appropriate actions. However, advanced image and video processing is compute intensive and challenging. The objective of FitOptiVis is to develop a cross-domain approach covering a reference architecture, supported by low-power, high-performance smart devices, and by methods and tools for combined design-time and run-time multi-objective optimisation within system and environment constraints.
CERBERO – Cross-layer modEl-based fRamework for multi-oBjective dEsign of Reconfigurable systems in unceRtain hybRid envirOnments
H2020 ICT-01-2016 – ID: 732105 – Duration: 2017-2020 – Role: Partner – Project Value: 5.383.597,50 € –
CERBERO aims at developing a design environment for CPS based on a cross-layer model based approach to describe, optimize, and analyze the system and all its different views concurrently, and on an advanced adaptivity support based on a multi-layer autonomous engine.
PROSSIMO – Progettazione, sviluppo e ottimizzazione di sistemi intelligenti multi-oggetto
POR Sardegna FESR 2014/2020 – ASSE PRIORITARIO I “RICERCA SCIENTIFICA, SVILUPPO TECNOLOGICO E INNOVAZIONE”, Regione Sardegna – Duration: 2018-2020 – Role: Coordinator – Project Value: 284.396 € –
The main objective of this project is to transfer advanced techniques and tools regarding design and implementation of CPS. This will be done through the experimentation of innovative methodologies and tools for designing and verifying such systems at various stages of the lifecycle in order to reduce the time-to-market through rapid prototyping of “correct-by-construction” systems.
PILOW – Piattaforma Informatica per la LOgistica via Web
P.O. FESR Sardegna 2007-2013 Asse VI Linea di Attività 6.2.2.d, Regione Sardegna – Duration: 2017-2019 – Role: Partner – Project Value: 726.000€
It is an industrial research project lead by Athena S.r.l., and the objective is to develop and experiment innovative solutions in the logistics field.
DESCTOP – Metodi innovativi per il supporto alle decisioni riguardanti l’ottimizzazione delle attività in un terminal container
Legge Regionale 7 Agosto 2007, N. 7 Promozione della ricerca scientifica e dell’innovazione tecnologica in Sardegna, Regione Sardegna e Autorità Portuale di Cagliari – Duration: 2012-2014 – Role: Coordinator – Project Value: 338.800 €
This project proposes the study and development of innovative methods aimed at testing a new Decision Support System for the optimization of the activities of a container terminal.